
Here you can check out all about my crazy adventures that skating has taken me. From seminars to shows, I'm sure you will find something entertaining from behind the scenes.


Champions On Ice 2000

Champions On Ice 2000

Here you can check out all about my crazy adventures that skating has taken me. From seminars to shows, I'm sure you will find something entertaining from behind the scenes.

I Won't Back Down

So last we left off I had 6hrs of sleep, a neck that wasn’t in too bad of shape, and a head filled with staples. A light breakfast, some hot tea, the appropriate phone calls to make sure people knew I was ok, and off to D.C. we went. I’m cracking up with all the people that first ask if I am ok, and then say, “well surely you aren’t going to do the backflip over the doll today...” Uhm, yeah, of course I am. What? Am I suppose to now put this “big” deal on messing up this one time and make it a major issue like I’m going to now be afraid? H^LL yes I’m doing it! I went out for the 10 minute practice and did one backflip marking that I’m picking soon enough. I skated the show pretty well, still too straight a take off for the sal (yes Mitch...same error), but TADA...cleared the doll with no problem! My wound does ache a bit when I land, and I’m icing my neck, but I’m in decent shape all in all. We have Philly tomorrow, and then a few days off. OH, and for any of you that was at the first show and not happy that I wasn’t in the autograph line (a person today in the line attempted to ‘dress’ me down for not being there the day before!!!) I skipped the line to get to the hospital. I felt some satisfaction when I told that person that fact and stuck my nasty frankenstein like bald spot in their face... :).

Be well,

Dan Hollander